content notes

starlight cove

  • Alcoholism (parent, discussion of)
  • Alcohol use
  • Death of parent (off page, ten years prior)
  • Parental abandonment
  • Sexually explicit scenes
  • Alcoholism (parent, discussion of)
  • Alcohol use
  • Cancer (off page, mention of, death from)
  • Death of parent (off page, ten years prior)
  • House fire
  • Parental abandonment
  • Sexually explicit scenes
  • Absent parent
  • Alcoholism (parent, discussion of)
  • Death of parent (off-page, ten years prior)
  • Fatphobia
  • Heart attack and death of an antagonistic side character
  • Mention of alcoholism
  • Misogyny
  • Narcissistic, emotionally and verbally abusive parents
  • PCOS discussions
  • Parental abandonment
  • Sexually explicit scenes
  • Unsupportive parents due to heroine’s size
  • Abandonment
  • Alcoholism (parent, discussion of)
  • Blood depiction
  • Death of a parent (off page, ten years prior)
  • Parental abandonment
  • Physical assault (not between MCs)
  • Sexually explicit scenes
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Alcoholism and recovery (parent, discussion of)
  • Blizzard
  • Breeding (fantasies of)
  • Cancer (childhood leukemia, off page, ten years prior, in remission)
  • Death of a parent (off page, ten years prior)
  • Parental abandonment
  • Pregnancy (epilogue)
  • Scars
  • Sexually explicit scenes
  • Surgery (off page, brief discussions of, not detailed)
  • Alcoholism and recovery (parent, discussion of)
  • Alcohol use
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Classism
  • Death of a parent, 11 years prior but discussed in detail
  • Depression
  • Drug use
  • Emotional abuse by a parent
  • Grief & loss depiction
  • Needles
  • Parental abandonment
  • Pregnancy (side character)
  • Sexually explicit scenes
  • Suicidal ideation and intrusive thoughts


  • Alcohol use
  • Blackmail
  • Cancer (off-page, survivor)
  • Emotionally abusive parent
  • Misogyny
  • Sexually explicit scenes
  • Alcohol use
  • Emotionally abusive parent
  • Misogyny
  • Sexually explicit scenes
  • Death of a parent (off page, many years prior)
  • Emotionally abusive parent
  • Misogyny
  • Sexually explicit scenes
  • Alcohol use
  • Death of a parent (off page, many years prior)
  • Emotionally abusive parent
  • Misogyny
  • Missing child
  • Sexually explicit scenes
  • Adoption
  • Alcohol use
  • Death of a sibling (car accident)
  • Emotionally abusive parent
  • Misogyny
  • Sexually explicit scenes

reluctant hearts

  • Alcohol use
  • Cancer (mention of death)
  • Child abuse (emotional)
  • Death of a parent (off page, many years prior)
  • Foster care
  • Misogyny
  • Parental abandonment
  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexually explicit scenes
  • Workplace harassment
  • Alcohol use
  • Cancer (mention of death)
  • Classism
  • Death of a parent (off page, many years prior)
  • Sexually explicit scenes
  • Alcohol use
  • Sexually explicit scenes