Author: Brighton

Brighton Walsh spent nearly a decade as a professional photographer before deciding to take her storytelling in a different direction and reconnect with her first love: writing. When she’s not pounding away at the keyboard, she’s probably either reading or shopping—maybe even both at once. She lives in the Midwest with her husband and two children, and, yes, she considers forty degrees to be hoodie weather. Her home is the setting for frequent dance parties, Lego battles, and more laughter than she thought possible.
RWA Insanity

RWA Insanity

As I draft this, I’ve been home from RWA for just over 24 hours, and I’m still not recovered. That’s one of the things I wasn’t expecting last year, and even though I was expecting it this year, it didn’t lessen the effects. The utter exhaustion is no joke. RWA is a fun, amazing conference….