exciting news

When It Rains, It Pours…
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When It Rains, It Pours…

2013 has been awesome. I mean…really, truly awesome. Finishing CAGED IN WINTER in June–the goal I’d set for myself. Going to RWA and hanging out with amazing people. I danced next to Nora Roberts, for crying out loud. Getting an agent. Getting my first print deal. Having another novella, SEASON OF SECOND CHANCES, come out…

Make Mondays Suck Less Giveaway: Release Week Edition!
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Make Mondays Suck Less Giveaway: Release Week Edition!

Helllllooooooo! How was everyone’s November? Mine was cahrayzay. So crazy I couldn’t even spell it the correct way. Between writing and release promo and proposals and, oh yeah, Thanksgiving, I’m basically a zombie. I don’t feel at all caught up, and it’s only going to get worse. You know why? Christmas is 23 days away. …