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Make Mondays Suck Less Giveaway: Release Week Edition!

Helllllooooooo! How was everyone’s November? Mine was cahrayzay. So crazy I couldn’t even spell it the correct way. Between writing and release promo and proposals and, oh yeah, Thanksgiving, I’m basically a zombie. I don’t feel at all caught up, and it’s only going to get worse. You know why? Christmas is 23 days away. 

You’re welcome.

Before you flit off to take advantage of the Cyber Monday sales to knock some of those Christmas things off your list, pull up a chair! Get comfy. Maybe grab a coffee (or hot chocolate, if you prefer). Let’s chat.

For the first part of November, I was banging away on the follow-up to Caged in Winter. I got 25k words into it before I had to break away and focus on a different project for a bit. One I, unfortunately, can’t tell you about yet, but I hope to be able to very soon! So what’s that mean? That means I failed NaNo. *sad violins playing* But you know what else? I wrote 50k words in November–they just weren’t all one project. So, to this I say: I WIN! 

For anyone out there who attempted NaNo, whether you “won” or didn’t, congratulations! You committed to writing and (hopefully) wrote at least a word. Stick with it. Just because you didn’t complete doesn’t mean to toss it away. I’m not scrapping that 25k I wrote. I’m diving right back in. But I’ll be smart about it and do it in January when I don’t have the weight of the entire world bearing down on my shoulders. For those of you who did NaNo and completed it? YAY YOU! Congratulations! Stick with it to finish, or polish that sucker up in edits.

For the rest of November, I was a writing machine, but in different avenues. I wrote several thousand words on a new project, then I wrote a bunch of guest blog posts and had some fun with some author Q&As for the blog tour happening RIGHT NOW! Yep, ’tis the time for blog tours because you know what? SEASON OF SECOND CHANCES (as well as ALL I’M ASKING FOR) comes out on Thursday! If you’re interested in following the tour, getting insight into my crazy mind or reading some excerpts, Closed the Cover, our tour coordinators, have a page listing all the stops! I also have a few extra stops along the way that I’ll be tweeting about.

Let’s get to the fun stuff! Since this week is super exciting for me, I wanted to make this giveaway super exciting for you! Instead of one book, I’m giving away five–that’s right, FIVE!–to one lucky winner. Unfortunately, because I haven’t found that money tree yet, this is not open to international readers. But stay tuned! I’ll have something for you later…

In this giveaway pack, we have The Best Man by Kristan Higgins, Fatal Justice by Marie Force, Things I Can’t Forget by Miranda Kenneally, Relic by Heather Terrell, and Covet by Tracy Garvis-Graves.

My fellow anthology authors and I are also giving away a $25 gift card to the e-book retailer of your choice! Hey international readers! Told you I’d have something for you, too. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

That’s it for this week. I hope to be back next week with another giveaway. That is, if I haven’t lost my head between now and then.

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  1. Congratulations on surviving your crazy November! I love Christmas, but it seems to come faster each year. Hopefully we will all find time to enjoy the holiday season. Thanks for the great giveaway.

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