Win an Annotated Copy of Caged in Winter!

fullsizerender-2A one-of-a-kind annotated copy? THAT’S RIGHT! I know how to party.

It’s hard to believe it’s already been two years since Caged in Winter was released into the wild. While I’d had work published prior, this was my print and full length novel debut. It was exhilarating and terrifying at once, and even though I’ve since published six books—three of which in the Reluctant Hearts series—I still get that same terrifying exhilaration every release day.

For quite some time, I’ve had this annotated copy of Caged in Winter just chillin’ on my bookshelf. I’ve been waiting for a great time to do a giveaway. I thought about doing it during the release of Our Love Unhinged as Cade and Winter completed their journey together, but release weeks are crazy, and yeah. That wasn’t happening. So here we are!

img_9776This paperback copy is filled with random notes and tidbits, details that pretty much only me and my Plot Whisperer know. Lots of goodies inside—and, okay, some completely useless information, too. Plus some random drawings my kid could’ve probably done a better job with, but what’re ya gonna do?

To enter to win this one-of-a-kind copy of Caged in Winter, mosey on down to the Rafflecopter and go to town on as many or as few options as you’d like. This contest is open for a week. Winner will be announced 11/12!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Why do I want to win? Seriously? Because I loved this book (and each of the following ones) so freaking hard. It’s one of my favorite NA contemporary series and I would LOVE to have a copy that contains your comments on the story! 😉

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